The small town of Eunice, New Mexico, recently embarked on an exciting project to revitalize its beloved city park. With the assistance of Superior Shelter, the town was able to introduce five brand-new picnic pavilions that are set to become the heart of the community. These new picnic pavilions and their accompanying amenities are catalysts for community engagement and connection. They provide a space where neighbors can come together to enjoy the simple pleasure of a shared meal, fostering a sense of belonging and community. Whether it's a birthday celebration, a family reunion, or a casual gathering with friends, these shelters are sure to become cherished gathering spots for years to come.
Four charming 16’ x 22’ Gable End Shelters were installed, providing cozy and intimate spaces for families and friends to gather and enjoy a picnic surrounded by the beauty of nature. The picturesque design of these shelters perfectly complements the scenic backdrop of Eunice, making them an idyllic spot for creating lasting memories. Additionally, the town opted for a custom 30’ x 44’ Barrel shelter, a stunning architectural masterpiece that stands as a symbol of the town's commitment to fostering a strong sense of community. Its unique shape and impressive size make it a focal point of the park, drawing visitors in and encouraging them to come together in celebration.
The city equipped each shelter with Superior's top-of-the-line amenities, including the 4-4 table design for comfortable seating and a perfect gathering space. Convenient features like trash receptacles and recycling bins ensure a clean and eco-friendly environment. With these new picnic pavilions, residents and visitors can enjoy a welcoming setting that fosters community and joy. The park has transformed into a vibrant place where laughter and the aroma of barbecues fill the air. These picnic pavilions have quickly become the go-to destination for all types of gatherings.