Grow Your Business

If you’re ready to take your recreation business to the next level and help millions of people across the United States in their search for shaded spaces and protection from weather, you’ve come to the right place. Become one of our partners and you’ll have access to sell the industry’s best commercial shelter structures.

Why Sell Superior Shelter Products?

Commercial shelter structures are so versatile and can be installed everywhere – from parks to playgrounds, amusement parks, and wedding venues. By selling such a versatile product, you can expand your customer base. Superior Shelter prides itself on providing our sales representatives not only the best product but also the best tools to help sell our products. We’ve developed tools to make your life easier and the sales process more efficient. By becoming a Superior Shelter representative, you’ll also have access to sell our shades, site furniture, recycled playgrounds, and dog park equipment. To take this one step further, that means one purchase order for all the equipment your customer needs. Now that’s what we call uncommonly easy. 

3 Reasons to Sell Superior Shelter

We think selling Superior Shelter is a no-brainer but just in case you needed extra incentive, take a look at these three reasons to expand your product offering.

By expanding your product offering, you are giving your customers fresh opportunities to engage with your business and come back for more (instead of going to your competition).

Have you ever sold to a wedding venue? How about an amusement park? By offering a versatile product like commercial shade structures, you open the door to many more selling opportunities and a larger customer base.

We know this one is obvious but it’s true! Taking on an in-demand product line that includes picnic pavilions, mailbox shelters, and pergolas may to lead to increased revenue.

What Can You Sell?

By becoming a Superior Shelter sales representative, you can also enroll to sell a variety of other equipment including shade structures, site furniture, recycled playgrounds, and more.

Publications - Superior Shade Catalog


Superior Shade Catalog

Publications - Superior Shelter Catalog


Superior Shelter Catalog

Publications - Superior Site Amenities Catalog


Superior Site Amenities Catalog

Publications - Grounds For Play Catalog


Grounds For Play Catalog

Publications - Child Works Catalog


Child Works Catalog

Domingo Baca Park-NM-All Steel Hip End Structure-14-Web
North Domingo Baca Park | Albuquerque, New Mexico
Andalucia Park-NM-Hexagon Shelter-View 41-Web
Andalucia Park | Albuquerque, New Mexico
Canine Cove Dog Park-FL-Shelter-Single Tier Hexagon Shelter-View 06
Canine Cove Dog Park | Marco Island, Florida
Shingle Landing Park-NC-Shelter-Square Duo Top Structure-View 18-Web
Shingle Landing Park | Moyock, North Carolina

Are you ready to become a Superior Shelter partner?

If your agency consists of committed and passionate people who persevere and invest in their community, we just might make a great team. We’d love to hear from you.