The small town of Eunice, N.M. updated is only city park with new picnic pavilions to give residents and visitors an outdoor space to gather and cultivate community.
The Customer
Eunice, New Mexico is a small but growing community that was first settled in 1908. Since then, it has continued to develop to better serve its residents and visitors. With an estimated population of 2,600, it features many businesses, restaurants, and a community park among other amenities. After decades without any significant upgrades, the City of Eunice completely renovated their only city park. Having a 12-year relationship with the city, MRWM Landscape Architects was chosen in 2012 to design a new plan for Marshall Park. Part of their plan included outfitting the park with new shelters and site furnishings. Based on MRWM’s recommendation, the city chose to partner with PLAY! New Mexico, local representatives for Superior Recreational Products, because of their reputation and custom product selection.
The Superior Solution
They chose Superior shelters and furnishings for their architectural appeal, durability, low maintenance, and long life-span.
“We have a long relationship with the [city] based on several successful projects over 12 years. We have always used Superior [shelters] because of quality and affordability and recommended them to the [city],” Associate Landscape Architect for MRWM Landscape Architects Robert Loftis said.
The city created five new picnic spaces by opting for four 16’ x 22’ Gable End shelters and one custom 30’ x 44’ Barrel shelter. Additionally, they furnished each shelter with Superior’s site amenities by choosing the 4-4 table design, standard benches, and the Metro trash receptacle.
“PLAY! New Mexico has proven to be easy to work with and quick to respond. The ability to utilize PLAY!’s on-call purchasing contract was a big factor in purchasing everything from Superior,” Loftis said.
The partnership between MRWM Landscape Architects and PLAY! New Mexico was successful.
“This project was a success because of the great team we had working on it. PLAY! was happy to be able to coordinate with experienced architects and professional contractors to provide the city of Eunice the excellent results achieved,” Gabriel Garcia owner of PLAY! New Mexico said.
Construction started in January 2017 and was completed in June 2017. The community was able to gather, celebrate, and enjoy the newly renovated Marshall Park during the Eunice Independence Day Celebration on July 1. This big community event featured a ribbon cutting ceremony in honor of the new amenities.